Primjena proteinskih hidrolizata iz pogača lana i konoplje u medijima za uzgoj životinjskih stanica
Application of protein hydrolysates from flaxseed and hempseed oil cakes as an animal cell culture media supplement

Projekt je financiran sredstvima Hrvatske zaklade za znanost      Šifra projekta:IP-2016-06-3848


Glavni cilj Projekta jest primjena proteinskih hidrolizata pripravljenih iz pogača lana i konoplje kao dodatka medijima za uzgoj stanica (s i bez seruma). Istražit će se učinak hidrolizata na prinos proizvoda biotehnološkog postupka proizvodnje rekombinantnih proteina obzirom na proliferaciju stanica i proizvodnost. Ukoliko predložena istraživanja budu provedena, rezultati dobiveni ovim Projektom doprinijet će većem ekonomskom iskorištenju nus-proizvoda iz proizvodnje ulja lana i konoplje. Štoviše, u slučaju pozitivnog učinka hidrolizata na rast stanica i proizvodnost rekombinantnih proteina, razvijeni postupak hidrolize te strategija prihranjivanja hidrolizatima tijekom uzgoja stanica, doprinijet će tehnologiji životinjskih stanica na način da će utjecati na oblikovanje medija bez seruma.


The main objective of the proposed project is to determine the effects of flaxseed and hempseed oil cake hydrolysates on cell proliferation and recombinant protein production. We want to carry out an enzyme based oil cake hydrolysis and apply different hydrolysate fractions and concentrations in cell culture, with or without serum. Defining the parameters of hydrolysis and characterization of derived peptides is the foundation for standardization of the hydrolysate composition and their administration as nutritive supplements for cell culture. The results obtained with this project will contribute to the re-evaluation of waste-products from flax and hemp oil industry and direct their application in the field of animal technology. If positive results were achieved, (i.e. hydrolysates show stimulatory effects on cell growth and productivity), the selected hydrolysate fractions could be used as a beneficial culture media component and thus affect future media formulations.